Staff Nurse Jobs in Karnataka

NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH AND NEURO SCIENCES, (An Institute of National Importance), Bengaluru–29
Invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse;
NIMH/PROJ/NHM/NM/Various/NOTIF./2018-19 30.11.2018
Published @


No. of posts: 01

Salary: Rs. 40,000/- p.m. (fixed)

Educational Qualifications: GNM/BSc Nursing Should be well versed in Kannada language Preferred qualification: Degree/diploma or work experience in Psychiatric/mental health nursing Knowledge in computer technology especially latest videoconference technology

Age: Below 30 years

Position involves; 1. Coordinating the project work 2. Coordinating the Research activity work 3. Keeping regular touch with patients and doctors 4. Coordinating Collaborative Video consultation for doctors 5. Routing clinical activities of the Department of Psychiatry 6. Conducting scientific meetings/conferences

Project period is for one year and the initial appointment will be for a period of three months and will be extended every 3 months fox next 9 months based on performance

Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria, may email their resume to The candidates, who apply, should invariably mention the name of the post applied for, Notification No. and date without fail as subject in the email, otherwise the application will be not considered. Last date for receipt of applications together with the relevant documents is 10.12.2018 upto 4.00 PM. Application received later will not be entertained.

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